What is the Pet Health Plan?

Dowding's Pet Health Plan

A healthy, happy pet needs lots of care and attention, including vaccinations, worm and flea treatments, and regular check-ups. By spreading the cost of essential treatments for your dog, cat or rabbit over 12 months, our Pet Health Club makes pet care more affordable. Your pet gets their annual vaccination against potentially dangerous diseases, and protection against internal and external parasites. To keep your pet in peak condition, we provide regular health checks with your vet, as early diagnosis of problems will help your pet to live a long, healthy life. Plus, benefit from great discounts with 10% off food, and other services. Pet Health Club can help to ease the worry and financial strain of owning a pet.

For dogs and cats

What's included

  • Annual Booster Vaccinations(given at annual health appointment)
  • 50% off primary vaccination course (initial injections typically given between 2 and 4 weeks apart)
  • Year round flea and worm control (as advised by practice)
  • 2 Health appointments per year (First check up includes annual booster vaccinations and second is a 6 month check up)
  • 10% off other parasite treatments (deemed necessary by your vet)
  • 10% off routine neutering
  • 10% off dental procedures
  • 10% off diets
  • £10 microchipping
  • 25% Dogs: Kennel Cough (intranasal), Rabies
  • 25% Cats: Rabies
  • Free selected nurse clinics, including nail clipping and dogs anal gland expressions

Dogs: Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, 

Cats: Flu, Enteritis, Leukaemia

For Rabbits

What's included

  • Annual booster vaccination (given at annual health appointment)

  • 50% off primary vaccination course (initial injections typically given between 2 and 4 weeks apart)

  • Two health appointments per year (first check up includes annual booster vaccinations and second is a six month check up)

  • 10% off routine neutering

  • 10% off dental procedures

  • 10% off diets 

  • £10 microchipping

  • 25% off fly strike and worm treatments

  • Free selected nurse clinics including nail clipping

RHD1, RHD2 and myxomatosis vaccinations

Prices from December 2023:

How do I register?

Easy sign-up online here

Scan below for easy online sign up:



